This Week is All About Love!
Hello everyone!
It’s valentine’s day next week! So, this week is all about love!!
The children are learning about ways to express their love to their family, either with chocolate, flower, gifts, or just by hugs and kisses.
As love is always an abstract concept for kids to grasp, teachers have also introduced the ways of measurement for the kids to have a better concept.
They learnt how to use rulers to measure different things. Counting the numbers on the rulers, the kids had a lot fun learning how long their pencils, erasers and crayons are! Afterwards, they learnt to express their love by showing different amount of paper hearts. The teacher would give them 10 paper hearts each and then show them different kinds of food. For example, if they love chocolate a lot, they will show 10 out of 10 hearts; if they don’t really like steak, they will give 4 out of 10 hearts.
For craft, the children were asked to make a Valentine Card. A card that would be able to show daddy and mommy how much they love them. By folding a quarter of the paper into the center for each side, the children made the base of the card. Then, the kids will draw their faces onto a white piece of paper and cut it out when done.
Pink paper was used to cut a pair of arms. Because the kids want to show “I love you this much” (with arm spreading), they decided on how long the arms should be. Afterwards, they also need to cut out a pair of hands. Last but not least, everything would be put together with glue!
We love our daddy and mommy!!